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Bill O'Reilly's off his rocker again 7/28/2009 10:06:00 PM | Justin According to O'Reilly, Canadians have higher life expectancy than Americans because there are 10 times more Americans, so Americans have 10 times as many accidents. Genius. perma link |
Legality of the Honduran Coup 6/30/2009 08:14:00 PM | Justin The Honduran constitution is a pretty strange document. Check out this paragraph from wikipedia on the subject. It says that any citizen who tries to change the term limits article of the constitution can be immediately stripped of public office, and eventually even stripped of citizenship. So maybe the coup organizers are on solid legal ground. President Manuel Zelaya intended to hold a "nonbinding" public referendum on June 28, on whether to call a National Assembly to rewrite the constitution, to take place concurrently with this year's elections. Zelaya's opponents claimed that his intention was to allow his own re-election. Article 239 of the Honduran Constitution, which forbids any former chief executive from being re-elected President, states that any citizen who proposes reforming said article, and any others who support such a person directly or indirectly, are to immediately "cease carrying out" any public office.[12] The Constitution, however, establishes no process for impeaching or removing a president.[citation needed] Furthermore Article 42, Section 5 of the Constitution states that citizenship is lost for "inciting, promoting or supporting the continuation or the reelection of the President of the Republic." According to the same article, revoking citizenship for this reason requires a court sentence and then a government order ("acuerdo gubernativo").[12] Limiting a president to one term seems kind of extreme to me. In a way, it can be empowering, because the president need not worry about running again. So they can start their presidency off immediately by doing what they want. It also is a bit anti-democratic, because it curbs the people's will. But then again, with the sordid history of latin lifetime dictatorships, maybe it's wise to prevent the president from becoming to comfortable with his position. perma link |
The Curious Case of Microsoft Button 3/04/2009 10:53:00 PM | Justin According to a Bloomberg exclusive from today, the 'Starter' version of Windows 7, their cheapest option, will only allow the user to run 3 programs at a time. So now, if you are browsing the internet, reading your outlook mail, and running word, you'll have to stop doing one of those things if you want to run Excel. This reminds me of the DOS days before Windows 95 when you could only be doing one thing at a time. Does Microsoft really want to return to those days? Maybe after releasing Windows XP, Microsoft caught 'the curious case of benjamin button', and ever since have been evolving backwards. Vista was like Windows 98, now they're re-release DOS, and for the grand finale (drumroll please...) The Abacus! Limited Features perma link |
Obama's Original Sin 3/02/2008 02:55:00 PM | Justin I just noticed that when Obama was born (1961), his birth was actually illegal in 22 states. I'm not sure whether I should be impressed by how far we've come or depressed by how far our parents hadn't. perma link |
Bush Announces The Discovery of a New Model Muslim State Called The U.A.E. 1/14/2008 10:17:00 AM | Justin (plans underway to rename it new texaco) "The United Arab Emirates has shown the world a model Muslim state that is tolerant toward its people and other faiths, said US President George W. Bush in his speech at the Emirates Palace Hotel in Abu Dhabi yesterday." -Bush Let's do a little survey of the properties of this state that might make it a model for other nations: Political System: Hereditary Dictatorship Demographics: 15% of country are citizens Labor: See other 85% Human Rights: None (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_the_United_Arab_Emirates) Homosexuality: Officially none. Punishable by death Budget: Flows through dictator's personal bank account Sounds like Bush's model American state, doesn't it? perma link |
A hypothetical torture scenario 9/26/2007 10:54:00 PM | Timothy We had the ticking time bomb scenario. Every candidate seems to be against have a *specific policy* where the President would have a signing statement ahead of time that pardoned the torturer ahead of time. Notice that this does rule out torture, just the official condoning of torture, at least a policy ahead of time. Obama even said he would make the determination at the time. I am heartened that every candidate spoke against torture. perma link |
Dartmouth Debate 9/26/2007 10:36:00 PM | Timothy Any reactions to the Presidential Debate? perma link |
Presidential Pong 9/20/2007 04:22:00 PM | Timothy Based on the video game pong. perma link |
Polydongs 9/15/2007 10:03:00 AM | Jared Alessandroni There has been a little buzz around this offensive (if non-sensical) cartoon in the Central Connecticut State University paper, the Recorder. I spent a lot of time looking for the actual strip. I am still not sure if the idea was to be offensive, to start a dialog - to encourage racism? I do wonder at what point, though, it's not more offensive to the Latino community how shitty a job we do educating their children or representing them in government, or whatever - compared to what a few drunk dull-witted whities (I'm guessing) at some random college do to get a rise. So, as I said when a certain Dutch cartoon ruffled the feathers of a group of people whose brethren's genocide in Darfur got (from the same people), barely a notice - fine, be offended, take action, but really, where's the outrage for the stuff that really matters? ![]() perma link |
Girl on Girl Action 8/28/2007 10:07:00 PM | Jared Alessandroni Okay, so the consecration of Ms. Tracy Lind, (talks to God, likes chicks), could cause a schism, and I'm torn about the impact. See, our side of the church rocks about 1/3 of the ca$h that runs the worldwide church, but with far fewer members, so if we take our balls (and our ball on ball action) and go home, that leaves the Episco Disco in, say, everywhere else, up the poor creek. Poorer creek. Which is fine - a bunch of bigoted and angry fire-churches in Africa don't likey the gay people, have fun without roofs on your church. The truth is, hate-mongering and God go together like dick and... well, that's to taste - either way, I have no problem in being apart from these Evangelical-like homophobe backwards freaks. The bigger question is whether the complicated aid networks that the Episcopal Church USA sponsor in various places - as a truly progressive church they don't mix missionary with service - things like AIDS outreach, Malaria prevention, etc. are in jeopardy because of their partner churches abroad. My guess is that the schism won't happen anyway - it kind of requires too much inertia - but that there will be another like, signing statement on the side of our church that says in some weird, technical way that we recognize that some Anglicans might have differing readings on scripture and that we deeply respect their beliefs. This is what you get in a church where even God is kind of relative. (Religious scholars, and historians of me, see, this is where I get my God from. Or, used to. Even flamingly liberal churches still go for the inane idea that God is basically a bored guy who wants some lovin'. I'd rather take my chances believing in Craigslist. perma link |
The Vietnam Specter 8/26/2007 11:55:00 PM | Justin
After years of willfully neglecting this comparison, Bush finally offers it to the American people unsolicited. But how can he talk of the possible cost of American withdrawal without also mentioning the sunk cost of American intervention? The consensus seems to be that only a politician stupid enough to start an unnecessary war could ever be resolute enough to finish it, so Bush has a reluctant backing even among democrats, who don't seem willing to put up much resistence to the surge. Only democrat candidate Mike Gravel (not to mention Kucinich) has taken a stand on this issue, stating unequivocally since '71 that American troops in Vietnam 'died in vain'. In the youtube debates, he was confronted on this issue by a vietnam vet, and held his ground, while virtually every other candidates danced around the question. Many were willing to state that US soldiers were dying unnecessarily, but were unwilling to make the equivalent statement that they were 'dying in vain'. That's pathetic. Gravel was powerful in his respond that the only thing more tragic than American soldiers dying in vain, was the idea of more American soldiers dying in vain. Hence a pullout, and a return to the politics of reality. Mike Gravel is the only one with the guts to stand up to the national consensus, which is so hopelessly skewed by blind patriotism that it refuses to see reason. We need a new leader with the freshness to reverse current policies without looking like a hypocrit, but also with enough street cred in the deep south, where politics and other critical mental functions are distort by the heat. perma link |
We're G-rated! 8/24/2007 11:29:00 PM | Timothy (Well, until Jared posts at least.) perma link |
Henceforth, Debaathification=Rebaathification 7/16/2007 10:04:00 PM | Justin A new "Debaathification Bill" Bush has been working on has recently been all over Bush and Snow's speeches: "We are working on a deBaathification bill and it will be presented later." But the actual purpose of the bill is to reverse the old deBaathification policy set in place under former Iraq Czar Paul Bremer in 2003: "On May 16, the top U.S. civilian administrator, L. Paul Bremer (search), issued a decree barring top-ranking Baath Party members from any public position, a process now referred to as deBaathification -- whether in universities, hospitals or minor government posts." (link) The new Debaathification Bill, if passed, would allow them back in government. This doesn't seem like a bad idea considering these are the only people with experience governing over a pre-civil war Iraq. Just don't call it debaathification. More credible sources are calling it "reversal of debaathification", or "an amendment to the debaathification bill". Personally, I like "rebaathification". It really captures the zen-like circularity of GW's approach to governing. perma link |
Take Back The Blog 4/24/2007 10:28:00 PM | Richie Jay Free Dartmouth got hacked. Again. Here's my attempt to reclaim it. perma link |
Tel Aviv Rabbis Forbid Land Sale To Non-Jews 2/20/2007 11:36:00 PM | Justin Another underreported example of Israeli apartheid (see previous posting on Israeli marriage law) "Important rabbinical leaders published an announcement this week stating that it is forbidden to sell apartments to Arabs." (link) perma link |
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