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Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Plot Thickens (link)

For those who choose to say no to Bush, this latest NYT headline at first seems too good to be true: In Court Filings, Cheney Aide Says Bush Approved Leak. Could this be grounds for an impeachment? Unfortunately, it's not at juicy as it sounds unless he specifically authorized the disclosure of Valerie Plame's identity. Bush's lawyers appear to be making a catch-22 argument of his and Cheney's innocence from the crime of disclosing classified documents: Presidential verbal authorization to disclose is effectively declassification, they say. I wonder if there is a precedent for this, or if it's just something they made up: I wouldn't be surprised if they'd just made it up considering that the opinions of those formerly on their legal defense council like Stanford Law Professor John Yoo, appear to indicate that the president basically has the authority to do whatever he wants. It's hard to find someone guilty of anything if all they have to do is authorize their own behavior before doing it, so impeachment still seems unlikely.

Posted by Justin Sarma, 3:56 PM -

Monday, April 03, 2006

I Guess There's No Cure for Stupid

I usually don't expect much from editorials in The D, but this one made me laugh out loud. Particularly these two lines:
I know that I should already have "major advisors" by now and solid relationships with many faculty members, but the truth is I don't have much of either, and even with the professors I do know well, I don't feel like I have my thoughts or desires organized enough to schedule a meeting with them. At this point, I would love to have somebody who has the assigned job of having me come in and express my thoughts: "Blah," because everyone else seems to be sick of it.

I anticipate that someone from the Dean's office is going to write in tomorrow and give this kid a well-deserved rhetorical kick to the head, then list off about a dozen different services that are assigned this exact job. So I won't list them here.

My question is more simple: Are all '08s this clueless? This is the cue for the Review to step in and say "The College is paying all these offices for advising, and no one knows about them? We blame it on Jim Merkel."

Posted by Nick, 11:52 AM -
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