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Friday, February 18, 2005

Money from think-tank for DFP, the liberal "political rag?! (link)

According to this article in the D, the Dartmouth Free Press just got $1500 from the Center for American Progress, allowing it to compete more effectively with The Dartmouth Review, which gets yearly funding from similar organizations. Nice job, Editor-In-Chief Clint Hendler, although I'm not quite sure what you were driving at when you said the money would go in part to the purchase of movie tickets.

But anyway, what surprised me about this piece was this sentence: "The money will instead be used to increase the quality of the twice-a-month political rag." The Dartmouth Review used to call our paper a "liberal rag" when it first came out, and I'm not quite sure I like the connotations so much. If you look up "rag" in The American Heritage Dictionary, you get the following definitions:


-A scrap of cloth.
-A piece of cloth used for cleaning, washing, or
-rags Threadbare or tattered clothing.
-Cloth converted to pulp
for making paper.
-A scrap; a fragment.
-Slang. A newspaper, especially
one specializing in sensationalism or gossip.
-The stringy central portion
and membranous walls of a citrus fruit.

(The American Heritage Dictionary)

I'm not too sure I like any of these definitions of our paper. At best, we're part of the "membranous walls of a citrus fruit". At worst, we "specialize in sensationalism or gossip".
The irony is that the article quotes a conservative source as saying that the D itself has a liberal bias. I wonder if the staff writer, Alex Belser, who composed this piece for the D, was intentionally maligning the DFP with his use of this phrase. Call it a rag enough times and the name sticks.

Posted by Justin Sarma, 12:29 PM -

Monday, February 14, 2005

Dean on the Scream
Going through lexis, I came across an almost year-old interview of Howard Dean by Graham Roth in the Dartmouth Free Press:
DFP: Going back to the primary campaign -- I hate to relive this moment, probably almost as much as you do, but people want to know -- Iowa, the night of the caucuses, did you have another speech written?

DEAN: No. That was my speech and we were having fun. I don't regret that speech for a moment

DFP: I know that the crowd couldn't hear because they were getting really loud. And so...that's just how it happened?

DEAN: Yeah. I had a great speech. I've looked at that tape. I was having a grand time.

DFP: [laughter] Yeah, you were up there with Tom Harkin...

DEAN: Yeah, great. We had a great time.

Posted by Timothy, 12:57 AM -
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