Tuesday, December 14, 2004 The Columbia administration compares copyright violation to plagiarism
Please select the greater threat to intellectual integrity, original thought and proper credit in the university setting: a) A student downloading an MP3 b) A Dean copying another's words without attribution, in an e-mail likening downloading MP3s to plagiarism
From an email sent by the Dean of the Columbia Law School:
"Intellectual honesty is the foundation of our academic lives. Original thought and proper credit for others' work is central to learning and teaching. Like Plagiarism, violation of copyright is a serious breach of the commitment to intellectual integrity that you made when you came to Columbia Law School."
From an email sent by an Assistant Dean in the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences at Columbia University:
"Intellectual honesty is the foundation of our academic lives. Original thought and proper credit for others' work is central to learning and teaching. Like plagiarism, violation of copyright is a serious breach of the commitment to intellectual integrity that you made when you came to Columbia."
As for me, I think plagiarism should be taken seriously and not be trivialized with such comparisons.